11 September 2010

If I don't care about the "Ground Zero Mosque", why should you?

This was written a few days ago, before the crazy Florida guy backed off from his plan to publicly burn Qurans...

I'm gonna lay it out there: I really don't give a shit about who practices what religion in whatever location.

Here are my credentials: I'm from NYC; I was in NYC on the island of Manhattan on 11 SEP 2001; I'm in the military; I served in Iraq; we lost soldiers.

An Islamic Center downtown really doesn't bother me (assuming they are not being funded by al Qaeda, the boogeyman or the Devil).  So somebody explain to me why people who aren't from MY goddamn town who weren't there on THAT day and who think Sharia is representative of everything radical and crazy (newsflash: it's not; it's just overarching classical Islamic law -- there's even a book or two out there on this stuff: I read 'em, I recommend everyone else do so as well) are making such a big f*cking deal out of this "Ground Zero mosque" nonsense???

I'm serious, I actually need some convincing.  If it was all 9/11 families, that would be one thing: I can understand the difficulty in separating the traumatic emotional hearbreak of losing someone from other issues.  But I do NOT understand these random people from all over the country weighing in on this shit.

And now some church in Florida is going to burn Qurans on 9/11 because they think Islam is evil??  Seriously??  Do those idiots really think that the proper way to "remember the 9/11 victims" is to fucking burn Qurans???  Are they even aware that some of the victims were Muslim (and I'm not talking about the hijackers -- I'm talking about regular people)?  Shit, do you think they even plan on looking inside these Qurans before burning them?  Do you think they know what a Surah is?  Do you think they know that the Surahs are ordered not in chronological order, but by length (because it was originally an oral text passed down from generation to generation, and the ordering facilitated memorization).  Who are we joking: of course not.  Even without doing any research, I think I can safely assume that that church of idiots is completely ignorant of everything that is outside of their little bubble.

It's all right I guess, I'm sure there won't be any images or video of this retardation and I'm sure it won't make it onto the Internet and I'm sure it won't be manipulated for God-knows-what kind of purposes.

Does anyone else see the absurdity in all of this, or am I the only one?  If I am the crazy one, someone please set me straight.

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